Latest Interviews and Discussions

by Jamie Canales

Latest Interviews and Discussions

What Women Must Know
In conversations with inspiring experts, the What Women Must Know podcast presents "Sacred Acoustics: How to Enter Your Inner World," with Karen Newell. Dr. Sherrill brings you a life-changing show about the many safe and effective holistic perspectives and solutions for optimal health and wellbeing.


Science with Soul Podcast
Dr. Lotte and author Karen Newell discuss her personal development with a diverse body of work that rests upon the foundation of heart-centered consciousness. Personal growth programs, workshops, guided meditations and teachings enable individuals to achieve life transformations towards greater self-fulfillment and contentment, quality relationships and choices aligned with one’s soul calling.
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Conversations with Roland
What is the excitement around binaural beats & brainwave entrainment music all about? How does it work and how can it benefit us? Karen Newell provides all we need to know about the benefits of binaural beats.


The Sol Women Podcast 
The Sol Women have an enlightening conversation with Karen Newell, who explains what exactly Sacred Acoustics are and touches on important topics such as becoming the observer of your own emotions and self through means of meditation in order to reduce triggers. They speak about why they do the work on themselves and what their true purpose is regarding being able to help others along their journeys. Karen goes into the concept of Heart Math which tells us how the heart takes in information and sends it to the brain and also puts out energy that others can feel and be affected by.


Jamie Canales
Jamie Canales


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Also in With Resonance

Cultivating a Sense of Compassion
Cultivating a Sense of Compassion

by Jamie Canales

Knowing how to maintain a core sense of presence and balance creates a foundation of strength to move from empathy to compassion, and at your finest, altruism, when you take action to help another without concern for yourself.

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Listening Together
Listening Together

by Karen Newell

Enrich and enliven your sound journeys by listening with a friend. Use the opportunity to enhance your relationship, or to validate your experiences in an expanded state of awareness. Listen to the same recording at the same time as your friend.

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Featured Interview: Gaia News
Featured Interview: Gaia News

by Jamie Canales

Finely tuned sound frequencies known as binaural beats have been shown to have a profound effect on human brainwaves. Could they also induce out-of-body experiences? Sound healing expert Karen Newell discusses the mechanisms by which brainwave entrainment produces a wide range of beneficial effects, from deep relaxation to lucid dreaming to altered states and anxiety reduction.

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